How Often Should My Pet Have An Exam And Blood Work?
At Coffee Veterinary Hospital, our experienced doctors rely on physical exams and blood work to diagnose issues early, while they may still be manageable for your family pet. Regular exams and blood work should begin early in their lives, or as soon as possible if they have not had regular veterinary care in the past. Our veterinarians recommend blood work prior to any surgical procedure, to keep your pet as safe as possible under anesthesia. Like people, as pets begin to age they will need to see our veterinarians more frequently to monitor their overall health.
How Long Should I Wait To Bring My Pet In If I Notice A Change In Their Behavior?
A change in your pet’s normal behavior may be indicative of a variety of issues, ranging from an insignificant problem, to a severe one. At Coffee Veterinary Hospital, we see both companion and exotic animals every day and have owners telling us that their pets are not their usual playful selves. Our veterinarians have the experience as well as the diagnostic capabilities that can help determine why your pet is behaving differently. If you live in Manchester, Tullahoma, McMinnville, Shelbyville, or Wartrace, Tennessee, and you notice a change in your pet’s behavior, schedule an appointment right away so that we can determine the cause.
At What Age Should I Have My Pet Spayed Or Neutered?
The experienced veterinarians at Coffee Veterinary Hospital recommend spaying or neutering your dog or cat between four and six months of age. Adult animals can undergo this procedure as well. Sterilization surgery is recommended for any pet not used for breeding purposes. Not only does this surgery prevent unwanted litters, but it can also prevent certain types of cancers that occur in animals that have not been spayed or neutered. Schedule a spay or neuter procedure for your pet today at Coffee Veterinary Hospital.